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 Michael Ausiello (1 question) 6/12/06 Finie par bulma

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2 participants
bougon addict
bougon addict

Nombre de messages : 1916
Age : 44
Date d'inscription : 10/09/2006

Vos couples préférés
Vos couples préférés: Luke/Lorelaï

Michael Ausiello (1 question) 6/12/06 Finie par bulma Empty
MessageSujet: Michael Ausiello (1 question) 6/12/06 Finie par bulma   Michael Ausiello (1 question) 6/12/06 Finie par bulma Icon_minitimeSam 9 Déc 2006 - 4:46

Wednesday, December 6, 2006
Question: In the last podcast, you said that the story line on Gilmore Girls with Chris sulking and Luke helping Emily while Richard is sick has been "tweaked." Does that also mean that Lorelai's resulting epiphany about the two men has also changed?— Katie
Ausiello: Turns out it was just a minor "tweaking." The story plays out the same way, with Luke running errands for Emily and Chris throwing a pity party for himself. But it's my understanding that Lorelai's epiphany will be more gradual. The end result, of course, will be the same: Luke in, Christopher out. Speaking of Episode 13, in a Gilmore first, nearly the entire hour will take place in the hospital. I hear there's some great Lorelai/Emily stuff. It's about damn time.
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Admin Rory's fan
Admin Rory's fan

Nombre de messages : 6948
Age : 38
Localisation : Pau
Date d'inscription : 24/07/2006

Vos couples préférés
Vos couples préférés: Lorelai/Luke Rory/Dean

Michael Ausiello (1 question) 6/12/06 Finie par bulma Empty
MessageSujet: Re: Michael Ausiello (1 question) 6/12/06 Finie par bulma   Michael Ausiello (1 question) 6/12/06 Finie par bulma Icon_minitimeMar 3 Avr 2007 - 16:23

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Michael Ausiello (1 question) 6/12/06 Finie par bulma
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